In trading currencies, we are dealing with a financial product. The movement of this product is dictated by differences in supply and demand. And these two are influenced by underlying external fundamental factors. These fundamental factors are mostly economic, usually represented in the form of financial/economic data reports; however these factors could also be political and geopolitical events as well as natural phenomena such factors will move the price of one currency against another in the context of a currency pair. The state of the economy is usually described in financial reports which analysts study to predict price reaction and currency value in relation to other currencies. As such, for analytical purposes, analysts are interested in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), level of interest in the economy, unemployment, inflation, Balance of Payments (BOP), political stability, budgetary deficits, and public debt reports. It is the analysis of these factors that’s referred to as Fundamental Analysis. Fundamental analysis in general terms is the examination of the economic factors that determine currency rates on the Forex market. A combination of all external factors that can influence a currency or a currency pair are taken into account and used as a basis……
This is a report published weekly by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Big market players are required to submit reports of their contracts positions in the futures market. It’s published every Friday and is composed of data that is submitted to the CFTC on Tuesday. The goal of this report is to provide transparency to the futures market and prevent price manipulation. The markets move by the amount of supply vs demand of institutions and this report gives us a sneak-peek into the intentions of these institutions in the sense of what they have just been doing or are currently doing and may continue to be doing for a while, enabling us to trade with smart money. Understanding this data prepares us for potential reversals and continuations as well as major price moves and better positions us to take advantage of them. Despite the fundamentals that move the market, this is the real deal that gives you the edge you need in the markets. These smart money traders know better than mere fundamentals. What fundamentals do is to create volatility in the market but the smart money guys already know ahead of time certain likely outcomes……
There are not so many businesses like trading forex. It’s such a wonderful business. I mean, just think about it: No boss to answer to, no accountability to worry about, no workers to spend on, no shifts to rush to, you work when you only choose to, you set your own targets, the freedom to work from wherever you want including the comfort of your bed, and oh the independence that comes with it. But wait, it’s actually business! And like any business undertaking, you must know what you are doing if you are to have any chance of success. Besides, you must put in the work before all the above is reality. Forex trading, as in any business endeavour, is not without challenges. There’s a danger of losing some or even all your investment due to bad trading habits. A lot of dedication, commitment, focus and practice goes into it before any level of success. Then there’s a need to work on self for all the work put in to pay off. This work is a bunch of a few little secrets that professionals hold and practice on a daily basis to become what they are. Truthfully, there’s……
Trading the financial markets is not a walk in the park. It’s not an easy road for one to walk alone. It’s easy to get lost in the midst of indicators, strategies, systems, signals, robots, books, and everything sold on the internet in the name of forex. There is a lot of great content on the internet that is available for free that one can make use as a resource to learn how to trade the forex market. You don't necessarily need a mentor. The mentor's role is to help join the pieces of all those resources and make sense of it so it can be translated into actual trading. In otherwords, they help shorten and quicken your learning journey Having a coach to train you and a mentor to guide your walk can be the difference between success and failure for many. They help sharpen your skill by straightening what would have been ups and downs and trials and errors by lending you their valuable trading experience. Make use of every opportunity to gain from their experience. The easiest way to learn is by asking. Learning from your own experience is good, but be sure of the pains……
When you understand supply and demand and learn how to blend it with price action and the interpretation of market stages and structure in deciding trades, you’ll have a better edge in the market. Wherever there’s anything to do with buying and selling, it’s all about demand and supply, nothing else. You can’t buy what’s not availed. And you can’t sell what is not demanded. Demand and supply is what moves prices in the market. If you’ve done a bit of economics you must have come across the saying “the higher the demand the higher the price” or “the higher the price the lower the demand”. Higher demand drains the supplies on the market quicker leading to the rise in prices born out of scarcity. Simple concept, isn’t it? When supply is less on the market, there’s an imbalance between supply and demand as demand becomes significantly greater than what’s supplied. This drives prices through the roof as buyers scramble to get a piece of what is scarce. The reverse is true. When there’s more supply than demand, prices tank as sellers seek to entice buyers with attractive prices. Buyers Vs Sellers This is exactly what happens……
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